Religious School

Sunday School

Sunday School is available to every Jewish child in the area. There are grades from kindergarten though tenth grade (Confirmation) Financial assistance is always available. No child will be turned away.

Classes meet from 10:00 am to noon on Sundays at the synagogue. Consult the calendar for exact dates as we follow the University of Iowa calendar.

Kindergarten Learning Objectives
Unit 1
  1. Get to Know Everyone
  2. Establish Classroom Routines
  3. Learn Ha-Motzi
  4. Learn about Rosh HaShanah
  5. Master Rosh HaShanah vocabulary
First Grade Learning Objectives

Calendar, Holidays, Bible Stories, Aleph Bet

Unit 1
  1. Get to Know Everyone
  2. Set Classroom Expectations
  3. Learn Ha-Motzi
  4. Explore Rosh HaShanah
  5. Master Rosh HaShanah vocabulary
  6. Play with the Hebrew letters resh,vav, hey, shin, nun
Second Grade Learning Objectives

Mitzvot, Bible Stories, Israel

Unit 1
  1. Get to Know Everyone
  2. Set Classroom Expectations
  3. Review Ha-Motzi
  4. Discuss the idea of mitzvah/mitzvoth
  5. Explore Rosh HaShanah
  6. Explore Yom Kippur
  7. Understanding Mitzvot
  8. Master Hebrew Words

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Hebrew School

Hebrew School usually begins when a child reaches third grade and continues through Bar/Bat Mitzvah. The school meets Monday and Wednesdays from 4:15 pm – 6:15 pm at the synagogue.

Third Grade Learning Objectives

Jewish Community and Jewish Life Cycle, Tikkun Olam

Unit 1
  1. Get to Know Everyone
  2. Set Classroom Expectations
  3. Explore Rosh HaShanah
  4. Learn the story of Jonah
  5. Learn new Hebrew Words

School Calendar


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