Welcome to
Agudas Achim Congregation
Coralville, Iowa
Agudas Achim is a home for all Jews. We are Jews (and friends) of all generations, genders, socio-economic statuses, racial and ethnic identities, (dis)abilities and levels of observance. We are born Jews, Jews by choice, and Jewish adjacent. We are interfaith families, LGBTQ+ folk, singles, and elders. We are Jews with the full range of positions on Israel, Zionism, and the Diaspora. We welcome all with open arms, hearts, and minds.
Our services are hybrid
We want to be proactive in protecting our community and doing our part to minimize the spread of Covid. Covid vaccinations and boosters are recommended if advised by your doctor. Masks are optional for Shabbat services, and are available in our lobby.
To sign up to host an oneg, click here.
Do you need transport? We can help with that! Please contact the synagogue office for more information.
What’s Happening

The Glorious Light
Judging the activity on social media, Hanukkah in 2020 has taken on a far deeper resonance.

The Dark Night of the Soul
Darkness is an overarching theme of Jacob’s life.

December 2020 Bulletin
Read about what’s going on in our congregation and community.

D’var by Frank Salomon for Chayei Sara
According to the source-critical approach, Chayei Sara contains three segments.

In the Breach and to the Brink
In many ways, the story of Abraham in Parashat Vayera, is the detail – what the Rabbis called the ‘p’rat’ – of the Noach story.

Let There Not Be Strife Among Us
Can we be like Abram? Can we center ourselves on our morality and center each other’s humanity? Can we hold difference and create space? Can we recognize grievance and pain, diversity and blessing? Can we leverage wealth and power not for prestige and conquest but for compassion and the common good?
Power and Virtue: the Davidic Calling and Promise
Not so long ago, before the Jewish High Holidays, my five-year-old daughter – the middle child – insightfully asked me whether God ever makes mistakes.
Neilah Sermonette
‘Did they’, she wondered out loud, ‘consider the gardens they planted, their last garden?’
Yom Kippur Day Sermon
Be still, my soul, the Psalmist sings. Isn’t that soothing? Isn’t that what the current moment cries out for?