
Erev Shabbat
The scent of fresh challah was timeless and unmistakable and was leading Jonah’s nose to the small bakery suitably wedged between a bookstore and a flower shop.

With the Sea at Your Back and the Wilderness Ahead
Sermon Last Days of Pesach 2023 My husband likes to teach that the Seder plate is a time machine: not only is the plate itself round like a clock, but the items placed upon it represent the driving narrative of the Exodus and the timeline it unfolds on. From the time of ‘karpas’ (greens) of […]

The Mission Statement of the Jewish People
Here’s an unexpected question: what is the commonality between synagogue governance and Matan Torah, Revelation at Sinai?

From Adversity to Gratitude
This week’s Parashah could be called, well, not quite ‘four weddings and a funeral’ but close enough: two funerals and two weddings.

Video of Rabbi Hugenholtz’s Rosh HaShanah Sermons
We’ve uploaded video of Rabbi Hugenholtz giving her sermons from Rosh HaShanah to YouTube.

The God of Becoming and Relationship
Despite my prayers and sacred practices, the tried-and-true spiritual technology that usually helps me into a contemplative and connected space, I have felt a barrenness in my soul.

One God or Less – Monotheism and the Quality of Mercy
If monotheism is assumed, it is also more challenging to step outside of that paradigm and reflect on why monotheism matters.

God is Everywhere, Even the God You Don’t Believe In
I secretly delight in using the pulpit as a confession booth. I mean, I am being facetious, but hear me out.

The Great and Awful Wilderness
During my summer vacation, I did that thing that rabbis are prone to doing: I attended services at another congregation.
Sermonette: Fringes
There is only so much dissonance the human brain can absorb at any given moment and more wisdom (and rage) may filter through the recesses of our consciousness in days to come.