Welcome to
Agudas Achim Congregation
Coralville, Iowa
Agudas Achim is a home for all Jews. We are Jews (and friends) of all generations, genders, socio-economic statuses, racial and ethnic identities, (dis)abilities and levels of observance. We are born Jews, Jews by choice, and Jewish adjacent. We are interfaith families, LGBTQ+ folk, singles, and elders. We are Jews with the full range of positions on Israel, Zionism, and the Diaspora. We welcome all with open arms, hearts, and minds.
Our services are hybrid
We want to be proactive in protecting our community and doing our part to minimize the spread of Covid. Covid vaccinations and boosters are recommended if advised by your doctor. Masks are optional for Shabbat services, and are available in our lobby.
To sign up to host an oneg, click here.
Do you need transport? We can help with that! Please contact the synagogue office for more information.
What’s Happening

Listen Up– It’s Passover
This d’var for Shabbat HaGadol is by Peter Rubenstein. Today is Shabbat HaGadol, the Great Sabbath, the Shabbat before the beginning of Passover. This is the sentence with which I started my Bar Mitzvah speech in 1959. Upon reflecting on this particular day over the past 60+ years, I have been impressed with how important […]

2021 Special Pesach Guide
Information on Pesach services and our communal second seder.

Peter Rubenstein– Passover 2021
Note: jLab is for blog posts about creative, fun, or interesting Jewish or congregation-related topics. To submit a post, you must be a member of our congregation, and the topic must be Jew-ish, related to our congregation or the wider Jewish community. If you have something to share, please submit it here. Articles written by […]

Judaism and The Year of the Plague
Remembering the one year anniversary, or perhaps better put, the ‘yahrtzeit’ of the pandemic calls for solemn reflection.

A People Fearful and Vulnerable
The images are such stark ones that they have become a staple of our culture. The Golden Calf, the shattered tablets, a people oscillating between orgies of elation and crises of despair.

A New Pharaoh
He doesn’t quite remember how he made it back. His white linen tunic was sullied and torn, his headdress had been lost in the chaos.
‘Gematria of 2021’ by Daphne Lison
Note: jLab is for blog posts about creative, fun, or interesting Jewish or congregation-related topics. To submit a post, you must be a member of our congregation, and the topic must be Jew-ish, related to our congregation or the wider Jewish community. If you have something to share, please submit it here. Find Daphne […]
Against Tyrannies, Great and Small
We feel the weight of this moment and the long shadow it casts over our hearts.
D’var for Sh’mot by Linda Kerber
Everyone, I conclude, should have their own Parsha – one which speaks directly to them.
On the Cusp of History
The personal dramas of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs have always played out on the stage of historical change and in this sense, their lives are no different from our own.