Yom Kippur Shacharit Sermon 5785
The desert sun rises with a fleeting crispness in the air. The Kohen Gadol readies himself by immersing himself in a clear, cold pool.
The desert sun rises with a fleeting crispness in the air. The Kohen Gadol readies himself by immersing himself in a clear, cold pool.
Today, I want to talk about a new teacher at whose feet I – quite literally – sit.
Find recordings of Rabbi Hugenholtz’s Rosh HaShanah Sermons.
‘How are you?’ It’s a loaded question, isn’t it?
Loving Through The Pain Imagine the two of them walking up the mountain path, their sandaled feet cut by bristle and thorn. The sun is already hot mid-morning; their calves ache from the effort and their parched throats speak few words. One is old, the other young. The old one is driven by a zealotry […]
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Read about what’s going on in our congregation and community.
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