‘Simcha l’Adam b’sha’ah she’hu dar betoch shelo’ – ‘It is a joy to live in one’s own home’.This text from the Jerusalem Talmud, Tractate Moed Katan 2:4, says it all. That doesn’t mean however, that we cannot say more about it.
One of the signatures of our Seders has always been the requirement that non-Jews attend. But this year, no guests. No cast. No eldest daughter.
As I was on the phone with one of my rabbinic mentors the other day debriefing the Poway shooting, I cried. I was processing my complex feelings about the current timeframe we find ourselves in, where I feel pulled between determined, militant hope and a life-sapping despair. ‘You look tired’, she said, and I knew she was right.
Preparing to act out the exodus from Egypt, the Second Grade made pictures of the burning bush and of the 10 plagues. Their teacher added the Hebrew words, and the whole class acted out each plague, hopping for fogs and scratching their heads for lice. They turned out the lights of hoshekh (darkness).
Agudas Achim’s April Bulletin is now ready! Also check out our 2019 Pesach Guide, a special mini-bulletin, that has Passover resources and details about our events.
Our March 2019 News Bulletin has now been released. Read more about what’s going on in our congregation and community. Our Bulletin is published every month. Contact the office if you would like to be on the mailing list.
Our December News Bulletin has been published. Read more about what’s going on in our congregation and community. Our Bulletin is published every month. Contact the office if you would like to be on the mailing list.