Oneg Hosting
Dear fellow congregants,
Hosting a Friday night oneg was a favorite tradition at Agudas Achim for many years. As with many traditions, the pandemic disrupted this, but we are ready to restart the Oneg hosting tradition.
Onegs have been hosted by various board members over the past several months, and we have already noticed that people are schmoozing and socializing more after services. We are now excited to open hosting opportunities to the entire congregation.
An oneg, or “delight” in Hebrew, is the snack social following Friday night services. The oneg gives us a chance to eat, schmooze, and connect with our community members – and is a wonderful way to celebrate a special occasion (e.g. a family member’s birth, anniversary, graduation) or commemorate a loved one on their yahrtzeit.
Hosting an oneg consists of bringing food items, setting up the oneg, and cleaning up once it has wrapped up. You can host individually or with a partner. You do not need to keep kosher to host an oneg! Food made in your kitchen is fine to bring, as long as it does not contain any meat or shellfish. Newcomers, fear not – there is a full set of instructions for how to host an oneg here.
The oneg sign-up form can be found here. The link can be found in the weekly email and on the Agudas Achim website. You’re also welcome to sign up by contacting the oneg committee at
If this is your first time hosting an oneg, co-hosting with another member who has hosted before is a wonderful way to try it out with more support. If you have not already partnered with a co-host and would like one, or have any other questions about hosting, please contact the Oneg Committee and they will arrange a co-host for you.
Hosting an oneg can be a lot of fun – and helps make the start of Shabbat special for our congregation. Thank you so much for considering participating in this wonderful tradition.
Sue Weinberg 319-330-7796