Blood Drive
Dear congregants,
I want your blood. I am serious: our congregation is partnering with the DeGowin Blood Center
to host a blood drive on Sunday, October 6th , between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This
will be from 9am to 1pm in our synagogue’s Social Hall.
Donating blood takes just 45 minutes and can save up to 3 lives. Saving a life (pikuach nefesh) is
a sacred charge in Judaism that, according to the Shulchan Aruch, takes precedence even over
Sabbath observances. Donating blood is an opportunity to fulfil that sacred charge.
The DeGowin Blood Center aims for just 25 people to donate at each blood drive. I want them to
witness the generosity of the Jewish people, and I need your help to do it: if your health permits
it, I urge you to sign up to donate.
You can sign up online by clicking this link (or by clicking this link and searching for a blood
drive using our synagogue’s address). You can also sign up in-person on the printed sign-up
sheets in our synagogue lobby. If you have trouble signing up, I urge you to e-mail the Tikun
Olam committee at
Yours Truly,
Landon D. C. Elkind
Chair, Tikun Olam committee